Tracy Duran serves as the Regional Administrative Director and Hospital Administrator for the Stormont Vail Flint Hills Campus. With 18 years of dedicated service to the organization, she began her career as a CNA before advancing to the role of Registered Nurse and subsequently becoming the Director of Nursing.
In 2022, she played a pivotal role in the transition team during the acquisition of Geary Community Hospital by Stormont Vail, where she contributed significantly to the development and implementation of the hospital’s nursing policies and procedures. During this period, she developed a deep appreciation for the team and community, which led her to decide to remain in the area.
A native of Topeka, Tracy graduated from Baker School of Nursing and later earned her Master’s degree in Nursing with focus on Health Administration from MidAmerica Nazarene. Throughout her life, she has actively volunteered in in the Topeka community alongside her mother and sister, and she looks forward to increasing her involvement in the Geary County community.
Tracy is married to Aaron, who owns Dynamic Player Performance in Topeka, specializing in training youth athletes in softball and baseball. Together, they have two daughters who are actively engaged in their local high school and are also passionate about playing softball.